Hate Crimes in America

Lecture + Dinner to Follow

April 20, 2023 | 5 PM

Pollard Auditorium

Given the sensitive nature of this discussion, we want to ensure that all participants feel welcomed and safe at the table. By submitting this RSVP to the Hate Crimes Discussion, each participant must agree to the Ground Rules for Courageous Conversations descriptions linked below:


Roots of Hate Crimes in America

Speaker: Andy Crabtree, FBI Special Agent

The focus of this discussion will be centered around the roots of hate crimes in America that are focused on ethnic and religious persecution. The speaker, Andy Crabrtree, who is an FBI special agent will be presenting, and the Oak Ridge Periodic Tables will present small group discussions and a light meal after. This will take place at Pollard Auditorium at ORAU. (210 Badger Ave. Oak Ridge, TN 37830)

The implementation of Roots of America is based on the following premise:
The ‘us vs. them’ mentality is pervasive in many areas. And yes, as members of the human race, we are all more alike than we are different. Even so, there are differences among us - differences in culture, language, beliefs, and values. If we can understand, respect, and appreciate these differences, we can bridge the gap between ‘us and them.’ Roots of America is designed to build these bridges.

Roots of America is presented by the Oak Ridge Institute for Continued Learning in partnership with the Oak Ridge Breakfast Rotary Club. For more info on the Roots of America Lecture Series Click Here


Periodic Table Gathering for April 20

Our dinner conversation following the lecture has reached capacity.

Reserve a Seat at the Table April 20

This Event is Almost Booked to Capacity however the lecture with Special Agent Crabtree is still open and free to attend!

Following this incredible event, we are hosting a Periodic Table dinner, where we can explore together what we learned from Agent Crabtree and what it might mean for us in Oak Ridge. We would love for you to join us. We want the world to identify Oak Ridge as a ‘hate free’ zone, and more than that, we want to ensure that each of us are putting in the work to know our neighbors and promote harmony. There’s hardly a better way to do that than to break bread together and talk as neighbors! 

At this table, plan to spend 60–90 minutes in guided conversation led by one of our community members. We will hear the experiences of our neighbors and consider together what it looks like to build an Oak Ridge united against hate. You can come to the Roots of Hate Crimes in America event without registering, but in order for us to make sure we have enough food, we invite you to RSVP for the dinner here by Monday April 17.

Note: Registeration been cut off early due to space limitations! We will schedule an overflow lunch conversation for April 29 if there are enough people interested.